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Our values are who we are. They are deeply ingrained in us, influencing how we interact with others and the world around us.

They serve as the pillars that help us feel stable no matter the circumstances, define our identity, and create a sense of purpose and direction in our lives. 

They are landmarks that drive our goals and accomplishments, and also allow us to call to us like-hearted people. These people, become the community who are with us as we grow and transform together.


When our values align with those of others, we can form strong connections and build relationships based on trust and understanding. By staying true to our values, we can live a more fulfilling and meaningful life. Through our values, we will tell you about ourselves so that you can get to know us better.  

What’s Cranial Waves?

We’re a lifestyle improvement Center, here to provide people with the skills necessary to transform their lives and thrive in the modern world.

What is the first thing that comes to mind when we think of Сranial Waves? 

Jules: Transformational Guides. 

Phil: Two pillars holding up a transformation arch. 

  • Strong container of a power duo - a first-stop-shop for transformation. 

  • We live and breathe our own embodied transformation. 

Our main fundamental values: 

1. Self Awareness.

2. Taking responsibility for your choices.

3. Personal Growth and Continuous Learning.

4. Conscious Relationships/Emotional Intelligence.

5. Kindness.

Where did these values come from?

  1. The practice of cultivating and harnessing this skill to help others. 

  2. Sovereignty, taking command, not being a victim, foundation of growth via ownership of failures AND successes.  

  3. Life experience: getting stuck, settling, getting bored.

  4. Having unconscious relationships, self awareness, social awareness and self management. 

  5. From our collective heart. 

How do our values show up in our actions?

As clearly embodied integrity, you can’t describe it but it’s an authentic & obvious felt sense.

Ideas that don't leave our head. 

We have so many ideas that never make it to the surface!

In our human design Phil is a Manifestor, which essentially makes him an ideas factory. Jules is a Projector, so she catalyzes and inspires movement forward. Alas with so many ideas and only so much time and energy, we have to follow our own processes to acknowledge ideas but then choose which ideas are for us, and which just need to be shared to come alive for others.

Also some ideas are just way ahead of their time, or not ‘fully baked’ and just need to percolate for a while. Honoring great ideas truly is an artform that we’re continually playing with. 

If we had one minute of broadcast to the whole world, what would we say? 

Slow down, close your eyes, focus your attention inward.

Just breathe, notice what you’re noticing.

Let your curiosity lead, transformation starts

with stepping out of your own way

and into your most beautiful life.

Which books influenced us and why? 


Anastasia & the Ringing Cedars of Russia Series

  • These books blasted open my thoughts of what’s truly possible!  

The Intention Experiment - Lynn McTaggart

  • The first book I remember reading that used science to prove the richer quantum reality. 

The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho

  • I just love kid-friendly parables that embody so much wisdom in such simple and profound ways.  

The Return of Merlin - Deepak Chopra

  • I’m a lover of the days of Merlin and this book just so beautifully merged Deepak’s wise teachings within a powerful storyline.  

The Surrender Experiment - Michael Singer

  • A real life story of a man who became a billionaire by listening and following his own inner wisdom. Truly inspiring and such a beautiful example of what we’re capable of as human creators! 


King, Warrior, Magician and Lover - Robert Moore/Douglas Gillette ​

  •  Men's guide to the archetypes of the mature masculine. 

Waking the Tiger - Peter Levine

  •  A full Body approach to Healing Trauma. 

Never Split the Difference - Chris Voss

  •  The art of hostage negotiation.

Exuberant Animal - Frank Forencich

  •  The art of joyful movement. 

The Body Keeps the Score - Bessel Van Der Kolk

  • A bold new paradigm of healing.

Full Body Presence - Suzanne Scurlock - Durana

  •  How to make friends with your body. 

The Whole Man Program - Jed Diamond

  •  Reinvigorating your body, mind and spirit after 40. 

Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill

  •  Skills and principles for personal achievement. 

Habits-values that we practice every day: 

Meditation, journaling, laughter, conscious breathing, nature immersion, dog cuddling, mindful movement, healthy eating, animal husbandry, gardening, music playing, and gratitude. 

A few important rules of life from us:  

  • date night is a must! Strategic cadence is where it’s at (Insert a couple ‘high five” there) 

  • make healthy food choices

  • move your body frequently 

  • talk about what’s bothering you

  • listen to and honor your body

  • breathe before you react

  • when challenged, breathe. Notice where it’s holding in your body and acknowledge from there 

  • remember there are always at least three sides to every story 

What do we spend our free time on?

Phil: walking in nature, playing the guitar, reading, cooking food for my family, gardening, maintaining our properties, bush-crafting in the woods, playing the flute. 

Jules: walking the beach, exploring new perspectives with friends and students, hanging out with my kids, playing ultimate frisbee, longboarding, mountain biking, reading, listening to podcasts, going on silly walks, playing music, making driftwood art. 

What would we do if there were no limitations? 

  • We would build a team of like-hearted gifted individuals who share a similar dream/desire and train other leaders to be facilitators all over the world. 

  • We would build communities and teach/train all over the world while also enjoying time with our family.

  • We would have trusted partners all over the world running programs with our protégés. 

  • We would live on a tropical beach in the wintertime.

Our dreams: 

A world where people wake up to their own embodied potential.

A world where people choose to invest and continually re-invest their attention inwards to transform their relationship with their body (and therefore the world).

A world where leaders embody the power-with dynamic

How would we like to be remembered?


  • Fondly ;)

  • Like a majestic wave… a creative and dynamic business that moved from place to place, spreading unexpected love and transformation everywhere it went.

  • It started off small, and as it grew it swept up an incredible number of gifted souls along its path. By the time it climaxed it was swelling with leaders from all over the world, leaders that kept the surge alive from within even once the outward wave had crashed.

Now, we would like to ask you, what are some of the values that are most important to you?

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